# Allow Googlebot to crawl all pages User-agent: Googlebot Disallow: # Allow Googlesmartbot to crawl all pages User-agent: Googlesmartbot Disallow: # Block PetalBot User-agent: PetalBot Disallow: / # Allow all other bots to crawl all pages User-agent: * Disallow: /_api/ Disallow: /_partials/ Disallow: /pro-gallery-webapp/v1/galleries/ # Allow specific pages for all bots Allow: /https://www.bettercx.in/sitemap.xml Allow: /https://www.bettercx.in/blog-categories-sitemap.xml Allow: /https://www.bettercx.in/blog-archives-sitemap.xml Allow: /https://www.bettercx.in/blog-posts-sitemap.xml Allow: /https://www.bettercx.in/pages-sitemap.xml # Specify the location of the sitemap Sitemap: https://a337827.sitemaphosting7.com/4409807/sitemap_4409807.xml